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St. Mark’s Parish Council

Our Mission

To declare, protect and practice our Syriac Orthodox Christian Faith, To glorify God in all we do, To serve those in our community in need and to

grow our parish both physically and more important spiritually – becoming disciples of Jesus Christ through serving others. All while ensuring that St. Marks continues to grow and thrive into the Future.

Our Vision

To declare, protect and practice our Syriac Orthodox Christian Faith, To glorify God in all we do, To serve those in our community in need and to

grow our parish both physically and more important spiritually – becoming disciples of Jesus Christ through serving others. All while ensuring that St. Marks continues to grow and thrive into the Future.

Our Core Values

1. Faith – To glorify God through our compassionate and loving service to our community.
2. Love – Loving each other as our Lord loved us.
3. Generosity, Giving and Kindness – To help those of our community near and far who are in need.
4. Family – To teach our children to keep God at the center of their lives, bringing our children to church to participate in our Holy Liturgy and be active in our community fellowship.
5. Peace – to create an environment of brotherhood and sisterhood where our community can help each other grow in Christ.
6. Integrity – to continue to work for the greater good of St. Mark’s Cathedral